Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Stan Weinstein

What are the “Secret * Wars”?
1- My dark side has been awoken! Unleashing the full force of Stan Weinstein’s “Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets”.
2- Will outline trading framework/rules and respect them! Else feel the wrath of the dark side!

Where to find the content?
1- Naming convention of podcasts: Ex. Secretwars #0001 – Origins of Stan featuring Apple.

3- Special menu page on to access “Secret * Wars” notes and information (here!).

Why am I doing this?
1- Because I can! No, seriously, I think I have unfinished business with Stan’s trading framework.
2- Always want to re-learn, now properly document for the ages!
3- Will reach out to the “Stan Weinstein” community and hopefully share some interesting experiences.

Risk and money management
1- Will dedicate 5 percent of my nav to risk in the “Secret * Wars”.
2- A max 5 simultaneous open trades. Ex. 1% risk per trade max.
(These 2 points have been augmented. I will now hold 8-10 positions for “Stan Weintstein” plays. This was originally in place to protect from emotion/human errors, until rust was shaken out, and greater mastery of framework obtained.)

Trading framework/rules based on Stan Weinstein’s most formidable book
1- 5 years weekly candle chart, 30 SMA, RSI 9 and volume indicator. (see note 1 below)
2- Triple confirmation required before entering a trade.
3- Using trailing stops.
4- Use of trendlines and swing rules.
5- Forest to Trees approach.

Now trying to expand/apply Stan’s framework to Forex!

Podcast/episode structure
1- Will do exploratory episodes to find candidates.
2- Another series of episodes to select for entry positions.
3- Weekly follow ups on each open trade and move sell stops or change position sizing if need be (see note 2 below)
4- Summary episodes to discuss the “Secret * Wars” experiment. Thoughts, lessons learnt, and results! (see note 3 below)

Note 1: I NOW have a “Mansfield” indicator as Stan did. Will NOT use RSI anymore (since Secretwars #0137)!
Note 1b: Added “Markets Review” enabling me to apply the “Forest to Trees” approach.
Note 2: “Secret * Wars” series will stretch on longer than anticipated, lots to learn and cover! Might skip this step and resume in summary episodes
Note 3: I don’t see the need to continue the “Secret * Wars” series… my trading framework has evolved more versatile since I re-invented (pr rehauled) my trading notions. Incorporating classic chart trading.. multi time frames.. stage analysis.. macro technicals… all that to reduce false-positives.